Friday, 26 August 2011

Seungri and Taeyang with their bikes from Bean Pole.

Message:  스타일멘토 GD의 생일선물로 빈폴이 준비한 빈폴자전거들! 블랙은 GD에게, 그리고 나머지컬러는 GD의 소중한 사람들에게 전달해달라고 말했었는데~ 오늘 승리와 태양의 인증샷이 도착했네요! 와우^^ [JY] 

Translation: Style Mentor GD's birthday present was prepared by Bean Pole! We gave the black one to GD and bikes of other colors to GD's valuable friends~ I was told that today Seungri and Taeyang have received theirs! Wow ^^ [JY]

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